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Youth Participatory Action Research Retreat

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We're looking for 10 participants, 16 to 21 years old.

Discussion topics include big picture issues facing young people in Springfield (like education, healthcare, housing, transportation, & more) and how they influence sexual and reproductive health.

Purpose: to examine how structural racism, in combination with other systems of oppression contributes to inequitable adolescent sexual and reproductive health outcomes for youth. 

Interested? Fill out the form below!

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Falmouth Recovery Center welcomes all people in recovery from substance use and those affected by substance use. Services are free and provide peer-to-peer supports including peer facilitated support; relapse prevention and tobacco cessation support groups; social events; access to computers for job readiness/job search activities; and advocacy and recovery coaching.

Becoming a member is free!

767 East Falmouth Hwy 
Falmouth, MA 02536


(508) 996-8900

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